When Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

             👄A walking potato lost in her wandering thoughts👄

Not every word that exists is something you need to say. Because those words sum up what you feel doesn’t mean that you have to say them. Sometimes you just have to keep them to yourself. Sometimes you just have to keep quiet and let them float in the back of your mind. Sometimes it’s not worth saying them, because some things are indeed better left unsaid.

You know how words greatly affect everyone. You know how sweet nothing can sweep you off your feet. You know how a politician’s promises during campaign periods can convince people to vote for him. You know how your mother’s loving advice can influence your decisions in life. You know how a friend’s bitter curses hit you hard when you fight. You feel them. You can feel how those words are said in the right moment. You can feel how those words are poisons that shouldn’t be thrown to just anyone. You can feel how those words stab you straight to your heart when they are sincerely uttered. There are things that should be left unsaid. Yes, words can be powerful enough to bring unity and peace in a nation or to bring chaos and disorder among people. But there will always be that something that can be more influential, more powerful than words: actions. Supported by the mantra, “Actions speak louder than words,” it makes sense that doing something instead of promising can be actually a better move.

Actions can sometimes affect you deeper than words. You know that when the elected official addresses the people’s needs like fixing the drainage system, promoting quality education, and the likes means that he is dedicated in serving people. You know that when a friend listens to your problems means that he or she is willing to support you. You know that when your mother scolds you from day to night when you lied to her but she still makes your meals, reminds you of what to do, and checks on you every day means that she loves you more than you can think of. You know that when someone who tells you they love you does everything to make you happy means that he or she truly cares for you. You know how actions can affect you deeper than what you know.

But now, enough of the comparisons. Enough of debating why words stab deeper than a sword. Enough of saying how sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Enough of comparing the wound and blood from a bullet to the tears and pain from losing someone, because it doesn’t make sense in the end when you think about it. It’s like comparing how spoon is better to use than a fork when you use both of them anyway. It’s like comparing how formal wear looks better than the casual when there are certain instances they those clothes should only be worn. Both convey concrete and abstract meanings. Both of them can greatly affect you. Both of them are integral parts of your life because you are a rational being.

Some things are better left unsaid, because sometimes, it’s better to do them instead. But whether you say or do things, always be mindful of them. Be aware of what you speak or do. Be wary of how you talk or act. Because in the end, whether you say or do something, it can affect you and everything around you in a way you may or may not imagine.

Cherry 🌸


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