Unsaid Feelings

 Let Go and Free Yourself

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” –Jack Kornfield

Holding on something that stopping you from being free doesn’t fix anything. Replaying on what happen from the past doesn’t change the fact that at some point you get hurt. Holding on to the pain against what others have done to you isn’t going to make anything better. 

Set yourself free this what most people would tell. But the truth it is easier to say rather than to do it. When it comes on conquering your past, there are two things that you can do to help yourself; accept and let go of everything. All we can do to move forward is ACCEPTANCE, when you accept the things that holding you back, you will able to process it, accept it and in no time you will let go of it.

You are hurt because you are still thinking and hiding those pain that hurt you in the past until now. You are afraid that it might happen again, you have doubts on forgiving them because you think that once you forgive them you give them free access to hurt you again. But maybe you are looking at the wrong side. Let me remind you that forgiving the people that hurt you allows you to let go and free yourself from all the pain that they caused to you.

Remember: When you forgive, you aren’t doing it for the other people; you’re doing it for yourself.

Don’t live your life with chains, if you have the key. Unlocked those chains that been locked to yourself for too long. Destroy the barriers that stop you from being free.

I want all of us to be free again. I know it will be hard for us, but no rush at all. One step at a time mi amore and in no time you’ll be happy and free again.

Once you’re free, spread your wings and take your fly. Bring your shine as you own the sky.


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